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Copywriting Tips and Insights Blog
Read the latest blogs from this Devon-based freelance copywriter, where I occasionally share strategies, industry trends, ‘how to’s, and expert advice on all things copywriting.
With helpful tips, personal insights, and useful advice from my own journey as a freelance copywriter, whether you’re looking for inspiration or just curious about this mad world of copywriting, take a look around and have a read. And if you read something you like, why not share it and let others take a look?
A Copywriter’s Aspiration For Inspiration
We all get writer's block at some point, whether we’re copywriters, creative writers, novelists or bloggers. And these ‘blocks’ aren’t always limited to users of the pen. They can happen
Speckled Henry Gives Good Copy
Whether we’re old hands at copywriting with years of dogged experience or fresh-faced rookies, improving our writing skills is an ongoing pursuit. Reading is integral to this improvement. Finding myself
Copywriting – It’s Not About You, It’s About Them…
Freelance copywriting means I find myself reading any amount of adverts, articles, brochures, straplines, and headlines. I'm always keen to see other copywriter's styles and how they approach their work
George Orwell’s Rules For Writing
Best known for his novels ‘Animal Farm’, ‘The Road To Wigan Pier’ and, ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, Eric Arthur Blair, AKA George Orwell, was also a keen essayist, journalist, novelist, and critic.