How To Write An About Page You Actually Like In 2025

By |January 1st, 2024|Blog|

Writing an About page can be the hardest – some might say the worst – part of writing your website. While any freelance copywriter will summon the copy gods to nail an About Us page for their clients, writing your own can leave you feeling frustrated – or just too far out of your comfort

How To Write A Good Blog With These 4 Simple Tips

By |September 27th, 2023|Blog|

How's your website ranking these days? Are your blogs still appearing high in Google search results? If you think they should be doing better and ranking higher in search results, use these four simple tips on how to write a good blog to give you higher-ranking blogs and drive more traffic to your site. If

DropCapCopy – Pro Copywriter’s Member Spotlight

By |January 27th, 2022|Blog|

Being a member of the Pro Copywriters Network – an association that represents almost 1,000 pro commercial copywriters across the UK – comes with a lot of benefits.  For an annual subscription, it gives me a whole lot of support as well as webinars, workshops, and loads of guest blogs with other copywriters who have 'been

The Greatest Freelance Copywriters Of All Time…An Interview

By |September 13th, 2021|Blog|

A few years ago, a freelance, direct response copywriter from Germany called Haris Halkic ran his own site. Nothing unusual there. But Haris conducted dozens of interviews with other copywriters from all over the world, in a series he called 'The Greatest Freelance Copywriters'. Epic stuff. But, earlier in 2021, Haris took the site down

Alex Interviews: Graeme Piper From DropCapCopy

By |April 10th, 2021|Blog|

, A few years ago, a business publication called Quay Magazine launched to serve the local bay area in South Devon. Alongside different articles, one section featured an interview with a local business owner to get a bit of background on their business journey. This section was called 'Alex Interviews...'. In the time that's passed,

Can Professional Copywriting For Business Owners Work?

By |February 10th, 2021|Blog|

To this question, I say absolutely, YES. Professional copywriting for business owners should be high quality, well-researched, and engaging – and it really can work for your business. And with a healthy dose of SEO mixed in, it can make a real difference to your brand and your bottom line. Of course, I’d say that.

Most Trusted Freelance Copywriter of the Year 2019

By |September 2nd, 2019|Blog|

Would you trust this man? The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that, yes - actually you should. For your copywriting at least. And that’s because I’ve had the pleasure of winning the award for Most Trusted Freelance Copywriter 2019 (Devon) from SME News. If that doesn’t sway you, I don’t know what will. Building trust with consistency

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